Sunday, March 15, 2009

Just found out I didn't get into the only good college I thought I had a chance at. Sucks.

But anyways, I'm hoping to do freelance flash work and/or artistry for band flyers in my local area now. Seeing as I do not have the future I was hoping for it looks like I'll have to come up with something else to do with my life. I'm thinking of getting a work license of some kind; it's like a miniature degree that packs the same punch. Then maybe people will actually want to hire me.

Sigh. Mothra only knows where this long, winding path of life will take me.

Oh, right, flash. Might as well post a link to most everything I've put on the internet.


Jerry Chan said...

I, too, was rejected by the school I really wanted to go to.

There's nothing saying you can't transfer to that school later, but perhaps you'll find that the other schools may hold better programs than you'd think (such was the case with me)

Groovemastercox said...

You're right, in terms of the quality of the school, but one of the main reasons for wanting to go that particular school was friends. Though I'm sure I will meet many new and interesting people at the college I do attend.